Saturday, September 25, 2010

Taxes, Bananas, and More!


Hey guys, I'm back!

Karl took the day off
today (he said it is part of his "entitlement" to have any day-off he chooses), so you have me to deal with….

Today I want to share with you my thoughts on… (Drum Roll, please)… Taxing the bananas out of people!

(Yes I actually said that…)


Don't worry! I will do my best to make this as interesting as possible…..


FIRST of all,

I think it's a brilliant scam; I wish I had thought of it first! I mean, think about it: you make someone give you money just because you happen to be a citizen of the country. I love it!

Only downside is, we have so many illegal immigrants who DON'T pay their taxes. (SHAME ON THEM! It's patriotic to pay your taxes, you know!)


But on the other hand, there are some people who think we are TAXED ENOUGH ALREADY!!! T! E! A!

"Kick out the aliens!" they say.


ALIENS!!!?!?!?! WHERE!?!?!?

Okay, so that wasn't very funny after all….yeah, yeah, I know... SHEESH!


I do wonder, though: what would happen to our tax-base if we ever did give amnesty to the illegal immigrants? Would THEY have to pay taxes??? And if they DID, what would they do?


MAYBE they wouldn't be too happy about it……and MAYBE they would leave the country! And then SO MUCH for amnesty!


Don't you just love the complexities of life? After all, it isn't every day when you find out that the recession actually ended in 2009….really??????????????????????




I feel so dumb in comparison to our dedicated
; they are so smart! Wisdom just oozes from their minds, apparently. Wish We the People were as smart as that! We can't seem to do anything right without the government's help – and it's all because of people who live in a fantasy world they have created for themselves…

When you become a victim of "government is our savior syndrome," you will suffer the consequences…

Remember the 10 principles of responsible government???

Here they are again:


1. Government exists to protects rights, not to create them


2. The legitimate power of government begins and ends with the people, while its authority comes from the Creator.


3. Just because a problem exists doesn't mean government should try to solve it.


4. Long-term and cumulative consequences should be considered more carefully than short term benefits.


5. Government has nothing to give anyone except what it first takes from someone else.


6. Individuals are ultimately responsible for governing themselves and for the consequences of their decisions.


7. Free enterprise, not government, is the engine of personal economic prosperity.


8. The free market should not be distorted by government-designed dictates or advantages.


9. Government has a responsibility to protect the foundational institution of society: the marriage-based, two-parent family.


10. Parents, not government, are responsible for the education and upbringing of their children.

(Check out the Mississippi Center for Public Policy to learn more about these principles)



You see, when you start to back away from principle, all you do is take a sledgehammer to your foundations….And we tend to do that far too often.

We have attacked our foundations to the very core, and today we can clearly see the consequences.

Don't be fooled! GOVERNMENT IS NOT YOUR SAVIOR. Not even remotely so…


Some people never learn….reminds me of my poem:


I wish

That you could see.

But no, you never will;

Because you never want to see

The truth.


(Hey it looks a little bit like a tree...Cool!)


Rock on America!



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