Thursday, September 16, 2010

How Should We Then Govern? … 10 principles every politician should learn

"Big Government," be it on the local, state or national level, could learn a thing or two from the people at the Mississippi Center for Public Policy (MCPP).

They are a nonprofit, public policy organization based in Jackson, MS, and they are dedicated to promoting and protecting "the concepts of free markets, limited government, and strong traditional families."

They have a great little booklet entitled Governing by Principle: A Framework for Governing. It outlines the 10 basic
principles for responsible government.

Here are the 10 Principles in Summary: (taken from Governing by Principle)


1. Government exists to protects rights, not to create them


2. The legitimate power of government begins and ends with the people, while its authority comes from the Creator.


3. Just because a problem exists doesn't mean government should try to solve it.


4. Long-term and cumulative consequences should be considered more carefully than short term benefits.


5. Government has nothing to give anyone except what it first takes from someone else.


6. Individuals are ultimately responsible for governing themselves and for the consequences of their decisions.


7. Free enterprise, not government, is the engine of personal economic prosperity.


8. The free market should not be distorted by government-designed dictates or advantages.


9. Government has a responsibility to protect the foundational institution of society: the marriage-based, two-parent family.


10. Parents, not government, are responsible for the education and upbringing of their children.



People, we need to teach these "Ten Commandments of Governing" to our elected officials in every area of government. And we need to know these principles in order to be principled citizens.


It's our duty as Americans to see that we don't let our nation fall into moral decay. And it is our responsibility to keep our governments accountable for its actions.


Go tell it to the folks up at Washington. Go tell it to your state capitol. Go tell it to your County Board of Supervisors.

It's time we get the word out: America needs to take a stand for PRINCIPLE!


* Rock on, America! *




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