…Okay, maybe not.
But regardless of your deepest
thoughts on the subject, I am going to tell you my thoughts on these November 2010 Elections, but with my usual El Pensador twist. I am going to give the hecklers a hard time, and the apathetic non-voters a "Shame on you!"
If we EVER hope to "Take Back America" from the leftist ideology, with all its lovely socialism and miraculous "share the wealth via distribution from the few to the masses" philosophy, we MUST take a stand this November!
For far too long we have sat by and let the progressives take away our nation progressively (ironic isn't it?). It's time we stand up and fight to take it back. There is FAR TOO MUCH at stake, and there is far too much to lose by doing nothing. This could very well be the most important election our nation has faced. We are at a very critical point, and if we sit by this time, the results could be disastrous.
But let me give a word of warning to those who DO sit by, and think it not a big dealas well
those who
don't think there is a good enough candidate for them. SHAME ON YOU!!!
There will NEVER be a perfect candidate. After all, Jesus doesn't run for office; it's sad, but true. If you are looking for a perfect candidate, who lines up perfectly with EVERY SINGLE ISSUE you have, you are in for disappointment almost every single time. And if you think that, because a candidate might not be "perfect," you just won't support them, then you are just like the conservatives who stayed home in '08, when we lost the Congress to the liberals.
THE CONSERVATIVES are the reason that "ObamaCare," "The Obama Stimulus Plan," and the "MACHO DEFICIT" exist today, because they stood by and did NOTHING! Don't blame the liberals—it's OUR FAULT.
Now let me clarify something before you all get uptight: we shouldtake a stand for the best (or at least better) candidate, and we should be careful who we support in elections. But at the same time, if there is an obvious (or at least somewhat significant) difference between two candidates, you have to vote for SOMEONE. Maybe you only have a choice between "the lesser of two evils," and maybe neither of them is really the best for our nation. But ONE OF THEM IS GOING TO WIN REGARDLESS,so you must make a choice.
You may not like it, but it still stands true: someone is going to win, so you might as well try to help out the better candidate. Yes, we should stand for high ideals, but at the same time, we can't sit by with a righteous smug, and let our nation fall into ruin.
One more thing to keep in mind:
If your candidate wins, keep him accountable! Make sure he or she actually does what he promises, and practices what he preaches during his campaign. If they don't, KICK 'EM OUT, and replace that candidate in the next election with someone who WILL!
That's all for now…Just remember how important this November is! TAKE A STAND—BEFORE IT'S TOO LATE!
*Rock on America!*